Willy's Spelling Adventure 3-5

4.2 ( 5002 ratings )
Spel Utbildning Arkad Utbildning
Utvecklare: RXM Design, LLC
2.99 USD

Help Willy use his pea shooter to break balls and collect his spelling letters. Along the way watch out for hazards and gather up goodies to boost your abilities. Once all the letters are collected its time to spell!

Willys Spelling Adventure Grades 3-5 contains over 1200 spelling words. Parents can switch between Spanish and English spelling words (with an option to show hints in your native language).

Adapted from the original 90s classic Spitwad Willy, Willys Spelling Adventure combines classic arcade action with memorization and spelling. Designed for children in grades 3, 4 and 5 but fun for the whole family. Who will have the high score in your household?

For younger children try Willys Spelling Adventure for grades K-2!

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